
Friday 4 March 2016

15 Ways To Increase Your Blog Traffic In 2016

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This is 2016. This means that many companies are examining their daily activities, marketing strategies, and productivity, looking for ways to grow during this amazing year. An area where many businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals want to see growth with a blog traffic. Website traffic can lead directly to an increase in potential customers, sales, or online exposure.

As with personal New Year's resolutions, you need to set goals for your business or website. With a new year around the corner, this is the perfect time to discover 15 ways to increase your blog traffic in 2016.

1 - Create A Set Of Business Card

Everyone should have their own business cards. You never know when you go to someone who works to meet in the same industry. You can come across a blogger with a large following, a company looking to promote their product on a website or other potentially beneficial contacts. Always have business cards on hand when you have a network.

2 - Create Branded Products

Along with business cards, consider branded products. This can be t-shirts or you can also include anything from posters. There are many websites available that will put your logo and business information on various promotional items for a minimal fee. Pass these out to potential customers or run giveaways via social media.

3 - Create A Physical Newsletter Or Magazine

Creating a physical newsletter or journal can also help get your blog some recognition and new readers. Bland Does your magazine at a local store or a coffee shop. Maybe you know someone who would not mind a few copies in the waiting room for their office.

It's easy to focus on online marketing if you manage a blog. You spend time promoting your blog through email marketing lists, building backlinks and other common forms of online marketing. Instead of just relying on the power of the Internet, put some of your attention to physical advertising.

4 - Share Everything on Social Media

When you release a new post, you need to share via any social media platform you are using. Do not forget to share more than once. For example, if you share the post in the morning, not everyone who follows you start to notice your message. Spread these posts, but try to share a link multiple times.

5 - Share Links To Relevant Content

You need to share more than just links to your own content. Find content to discuss the issues you regularly discuss and share links on social media that are relevant. Try to help your followers by offering information that is not available on your website. This helps to build trust and show your followers that you are more than just promoting your own blogs.

6 - Build A Subscriber List

If you have a blog and not an e-mail subscriber list, then this is the year to finally start putting together a newsletter. By offering visitors something of value, such as a downloadable PDF or access an instructional video, you can get more subscribers. If you have something that has a real value, your visitors are more likely to share this information with friends or share via social media.

Please send regular newsletters to the people on your subscriber list. Keep your visitors informed about new blog posts, as well as new products, services and promotions or offers.

7 - Join Multiple Facebook Groups

There is more to utilize the power of social media than placing your latest blog. Using the Facebook page that you created for your business or blog, start joining various Facebook groups related to the topics you cover on your blog. Actively share useful information in conversation with people in these groups.

Use these groups not as a way to promote your own blog, but to find other people with similar interests. If they like what you say in the group, they will check your Facebook page for more information on your blog.

8 - Stay Active On Reddit

When you think of social media, Facebook and Twitter are likely to get the first two places of the mind. In addition to using these common social media platforms, make sure you use href="https://www.reddit.com/">Reddit . Find relevant subreddits to share links to your blog posts and topics to discuss with people who share similar interests.

9 - Comment On Other Blogs

Blog commenting is a common form of link building; although, it can also help you get new visitors. Make sure you leave helpful comments. The blog author can delete your comment and prohibit you from leaving future comments if you use their comments section as a tool to promote your blog.

10 - Become Active In Online Forums

Online forums are another great resource for finding people who are interested to be in your blog. Use these forums as you would use Facebook Groups. Share relevant information, discuss topics with other people, and focus on joining the discussion rather than excerssively promoting your blog.

11 - Get Help From Friends And Family

Friends and family can always be a good source for free promotion, but do not go overboard. Ask some of your friends and family to share a link of your blog post social media occasionally. Let each person share a post with two or three people who they think might benefit from the information on your blog.

12 - Research The Demographic Of Your Blog Visitors

Find out who is visiting your website and reading your content. You can make use analytics software and tools, like Google Analytics, to learn more about the demographics of your visitors. Find out what the average age, whether they are male or female, and their level of education. This will help you tailor your content to the interests of a target demographic.

13 - Use Good SEO Techniques

Make sure you have the right SEO techniques. You should never let this get in the way of your writing, but after you've prepared your message, take the time to ensure that you are using a good search engine optimization tactics. Create a focus keyword and make good use of it.

14 - Use Quality Pictures In Your Blog Posts

The reading long blog articles that contain only text can be boring for some readers. Among other images, such as photos or illustrations. There are plenty of ways to find free images, but using a commercial stock photo site offers a simple and affordable solution. You will have access to higher quality images for a very low fee.

15 - Focus On The Quality Of Your Content

The last tip for increasing blog traffic in 2016 is to focus on the quality of your content. If you write informative articles, people will find them useful. This increases the chances of someone sharing your article on social media.

You can not expect to win new readers if you frequently publish low quality articles that offer no real value to readers. bloggers have used the mantra for several years, "content is king", and there is no reason that this will not apply in 2016.

Getting blog traffic can be a real challenge. There are plenty of ways to attract visitors to your website, but many of them require hard work. The important thing to remember is that you have to stick with your plan. You can not expect results if you do not follow through with your strategies. Consider the use of these suggestions to stimulate blog traffic in 2016.

Don't forget to share with fellow bloggers and friends. Sharing Is Caring


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