Hello, welcome to my blog. Today i will be writing an article that will help you to automatically share your blog post to twitter using TwitterFeed.com. As we all know sharing your blog posts to twitter manually after publishing your posts takes some extra time but with TwitterFeeds it will be done automatically.
How To Automatically Tweet Your New Blog Post
Below is the step-by-step guide in order to automatically tweet your new blog post. Steps:
When ever you publish a new content in your blog it will automatically be posted on twitter.
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How To Automatically Tweet Your New Blog Post
Below is the step-by-step guide in order to automatically tweet your new blog post. Steps:
- Goto TwitterFeed.com and hit the "Sign Up" button, If you already have an account you just sign in to continue.
- After signing in, Provide in the name of your feed in the provided text box and also provide your blog url.
- Now click on Advanced Settings, you will be taken to a new page just like the screenshot below.
Now you will set the time for twitterfeed for new updates and to automatically publish them. You can also add certain keywords in the advanced settings window, when you are done click on "Continue"
- Then Hit the "Done" button. Thats all.
When ever you publish a new content in your blog it will automatically be posted on twitter.
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