We all know that adsense is one of many ways to monetize our blog.
I have received many complaints from my friends on facebook who are bloggers concerning the fact that they applied for adsense and their request was rejected several times. I was also a victim, when I started blogging newly. I was in a rush to get google ads running on my blog, and I failed to understand the basics needed to get my account approved.
In this article, I will be explaining some reasons why I feel google adsense rejects or don’t accept your request.
Please note that this is my own version. You might have your own reason.
Below are some reasons why google adsense rejects your request.
1. Lack of Quality Content
This is the major reason why google rejects most request from bloggers applying for adsense.
Google loves quality content, not copied. If your blog is filled with copied contents, it will be very difficult to have your request accepted.
2. Insufficient Content
Quality content is just a part of it, but you also need enough content for your request to be accepted. Your pages and post needs to have enough relevant text to get your account approved.
3. Content Type
I have noticed that most bloggers today post stuffs such as pornography, writing for drugs, and other content of such. Google hates such content and is highly prohibited. If you are having such content on your blog, there is little or no chances of getting your adsense account approved.
4. Website Design
Great content combined with a simple but professional design increases your chances of getting your adsense account approved. Google treats your blog design and that is what most webmasters ignore. Your blog does not need to have the prettiest design, but give it a reasonable, responsive and easy to navigate design.
For example, with a yellow background with white text it is difficult to read the text on your blog. A blog with good design is easy to read, easy to control the content and so on to navigate, share and comment on.
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5. Domain type and Important Pages
Applying for adsense with domains like blogspot, lower your chances of getting your account approved. Don’t get me wrong, you might be accepted, but your chances are low. Whereas applying for adsense with top level domains like .com, .net, .org, .biz and others increases your chances of getting your account approved.
Also pages such as privacy policy, about us and contact us page are also important. These three pages should be on your blog before applying for adsense. Not only does it make you a serious and professional blogger, it allows visitors know what your blog is all about and increases their confidence in knowing that they can easily contact you. That is the nature of the blog Google likes, one that is fully concentrated in the direction of serving the visitors.
These are some of the reasons why adsense rejects your request.
What do you think about this? Do you have other reasons, please drop them using the comment box. Thanks
I have received many complaints from my friends on facebook who are bloggers concerning the fact that they applied for adsense and their request was rejected several times. I was also a victim, when I started blogging newly. I was in a rush to get google ads running on my blog, and I failed to understand the basics needed to get my account approved.
In this article, I will be explaining some reasons why I feel google adsense rejects or don’t accept your request.
Please note that this is my own version. You might have your own reason.
Below are some reasons why google adsense rejects your request.
1. Lack of Quality Content
This is the major reason why google rejects most request from bloggers applying for adsense.
Google loves quality content, not copied. If your blog is filled with copied contents, it will be very difficult to have your request accepted.
2. Insufficient Content
Quality content is just a part of it, but you also need enough content for your request to be accepted. Your pages and post needs to have enough relevant text to get your account approved.
3. Content Type
I have noticed that most bloggers today post stuffs such as pornography, writing for drugs, and other content of such. Google hates such content and is highly prohibited. If you are having such content on your blog, there is little or no chances of getting your adsense account approved.
4. Website Design
Great content combined with a simple but professional design increases your chances of getting your adsense account approved. Google treats your blog design and that is what most webmasters ignore. Your blog does not need to have the prettiest design, but give it a reasonable, responsive and easy to navigate design.
For example, with a yellow background with white text it is difficult to read the text on your blog. A blog with good design is easy to read, easy to control the content and so on to navigate, share and comment on.
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5. Domain type and Important Pages
Applying for adsense with domains like blogspot, lower your chances of getting your account approved. Don’t get me wrong, you might be accepted, but your chances are low. Whereas applying for adsense with top level domains like .com, .net, .org, .biz and others increases your chances of getting your account approved.
Also pages such as privacy policy, about us and contact us page are also important. These three pages should be on your blog before applying for adsense. Not only does it make you a serious and professional blogger, it allows visitors know what your blog is all about and increases their confidence in knowing that they can easily contact you. That is the nature of the blog Google likes, one that is fully concentrated in the direction of serving the visitors.
These are some of the reasons why adsense rejects your request.
What do you think about this? Do you have other reasons, please drop them using the comment box. Thanks